“Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for man.” (Ephesians 6:7)
The Impact Team exists to serve the Lord by cultivating relationships with everyone who walks through the doors of our church. The heart behind serving with the Impact Team is to ensure every single person who walks through our doors knows they are loved, cared for, and that they are somebody. Each volunteer who is part of the Impact Team has a positive impact on our church. Whether they are parking, greeting, serving food, or seating our congregation for service, it is pleasing all to the Lord. Our team never serves out of an obligation, but out of a deep love for Jesus Christ!

We serve from a deep love for Jesus together in the following teams:
Welcome Team
The Welcome Team has the opportunity every week to love on our church body by connecting them to resources offered by Vizion all while opening the doors, shaking hands, and giving hugs!
Parking Team
Our parking team is responsible for directing traffic and safely parking each vehicle. The parking team has the honor to be the first face that a new visitor encounters when driving onto our campus.
Hospitality Team
From making coffee to setting out Panera for our Volunteers. The Hospitality team strives to create a loving atmosphere for our church and volunteers.
Usher Team
The Usher Team serves our congregation by guiding each guest to a seat, facilitating our tithes and offering, and assisting in Communion every last Sunday of the month.
Prayer Team
Every Sunday morning our Prayer Team gathers together to pray for our church and our city. We believe in the power of prayer as we pray for revival in our city.
If you would like to join the Impact Team and sense a calling to serve on one of our teams please attend Next Steps. The Impact Team would absolutely love to have you! For any questions regarding our teams please email our Impact Team Directors at levi@vizionchurch.com.